As I have been preparing for the year ahead, I found myself reading a very thorough article on the wine industry and AI. I quickly became consumed, overwhelmed, and often confused at the prospect of artificial intelligence being a part of what I do. Can AI help with viticulture? Yes, I think to some degree. Can AI replace winemaking? No, I don’t think so, however, it may be able to help make our wines better. Can AI accomplish our sales and marketing? I certainly hope it can help us get our message out and lead more people to enjoy our beautiful wines. However, even with all these benefits, it is clear to me, AI cannot replace what we do. It will never replace the experience of this place. A place where you can bring your friends, your family, your loved ones to share a storied bottle of wine creating memories that will last a lifetime. Come see the vines, touch the dirt and the rocks; taste the grapes off the vine. Smell the fields that have been freshly cut, hear the horses’ hooves pounding on the field and feel a sense of peace and quiet in this valley. Our wines have a deeper meaning and a special purpose. So go ahead and purchase a beautiful bottle of Piocho or Barrack Family Estate wine and call your friends, family, and loved ones to the table. Enjoy, blossom, and go be awesome today! We have a lot of great current release and new wines for you to enjoy. If you would like to stay and really experience the magic of this place, we now offer farms stays we you can truly experience the magic of this place. Check it all out below.